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RZR XP 1000 4 seat 2016-2023 (and Highlighter 2 seat models)

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Dalton DUVP10H4

The 2016-2023 XP4 (4 seat version) and the 2016+ Highlifter edition have lower gearing in the final drive than the regular 2 seat version, and is more suited to very large tires. This version has different shift requirements for optimum performance. This adjustable kit was designed for use in these vehicles, and has a flyweight version designed for this application.

Improved acceleration, back shifting, and belt performance. The kit is adjustable, making it possible to optimize the clutch calibration for different tire sizes and situations.

This kit includes Dalton’s patented “Quick Adjust” flyweight system that allows you to add or subtract some of the weight from the flyweights, without even removing the flyweights from the drive clutch.

The instruction manual includes a “set up guide” that shows how to set up the kit for different tires and applications.